What is an escape game?

The topic “What is an Escape Game” is slowly getting bigger and bigger and everywhere in Germany more and more shops are adding. But what exactly is such an escape game? What do you have to do? What do you have to pay attention to?

Here we try to give you a small overview about it: What is an Escape Game?

Escape Game, escape room or rather live escape adventure?

First of all the frequently asked question whether there is a difference between live escape games, exit games, adventure games, escape rooms and escape games. In principle the answer here is no, all these terms stand for the same principle but each provider has different preferences as he calls his escape games. Why do we say in principle it is the same? That’s easy to answer, every provider in Germany has different rooms, it doesn’t just depend on the room itself (e.g. size), but above all on the theme the escape room is supposed to convey.
What do Escape Rooms look like?

The Live Escape scenarios range from a classical prison escape to old medieval dungeons to the only secured treasure chamber of a big bank. There is no limit to your imagination, everything you can imagine can be realized. In Germany, the Escape Game theme is only now really booming, but in other countries such as Russia or the U.S., for example, one is already much further. So far that there are even escaperooms with actors who give you hints in a certain setting or simply try to scare the players and put them under time pressure. But so far Germany is not yet here, so far there are only the classic exit rooms.
What is there to do during the game?

A group of people (usually 2-6) dare to go on an adventure together and try to solve an important task. Many people can’t imagine much of it before their first escape room visit. What do you have to do there? This question isn’t easy to answer either, in the end it all depends on the escape room what you have to do, there are standard examples of puzzles you can find in almost every live escape room: find a key to unlock a box or a cupboard, combine different items e.g. statues with different sized pedestals or find a combination to a safe by solving a word or math puzzle. All these are possibilities that await you in an escape game.

These are of course only the simple examples, in some rooms e.g. our Fallout room you have to find out different settings at a computer terminal, try a little around and explore. These are also two very important keywords, try and explore. Every escape room is based on the fact that people don’t really know what to expect before they play, you get a brief insight into the room beforehand, you get a task, but what kind of puzzles are in the room is not yet known. That’s a big part of the whole escape game fascination. You are in a completely unknown environment, e.g. in a nuclear shelter, or an abandoned and haunted photo lab. And now it’s time to explore the room first. You open all drawers, you thumb through all objects for hidden clues and little by little you find things that fit together, things that make a pattern, pieces of paper that belong together, words on the wall that make a pattern or objects that seem to fit together perfectly, the possibilities here are very diverse.

If this little introduction has aroused your interest, please visit our shop and try out a game. We hope we have answered your “What is an Escape Game” question.



Escape Game for beginners

Be attentive, be curious – Our tips for beginners

Together with your team you enter an Escape Room for the first time. You are confronted with the silence and wait for something to happen. But there is no such thing. Perhaps there is a brave person among you who makes the start. He takes an object in his hand. Inspected. Inspected. And that’s what matters. Have no false shyness. For you are neither in a horror cabinet nor a ghost train. You’re together in an exit room – and that should, besides a little thrill and adrenaline, do one thing above all – FUN!

The first step to a successful Escape Game is your attention and curiosity. Split up, spread your wings together, and explore every corner of the room. Pay attention to details.

This first step requires no prior knowledge, logic or combination spirit from you. Curiosity and attention are your greatest helpers in the first minutes of the game. Because if you search attentively, you will quickly experience success.
For all beginners who are considering visiting Plan B Escape, we have prepared a small checklist to help you get a good start in your Escape game:

Have you found an object that can be opened? – Open it!
Can you flip an item over? – Turn it over!
Does an object have multiple sides or levels? – Take a close look at them all.
A hint doesn’t make sense at first? – Make a note of it, because it can help you in the further course of the game.
Don’t try to solve or open an object by force – you’ll recognize objects that can help you.

Use the time at the beginning of the game to search everything thoroughly and take notes if necessary. These can help you in the further process and you save time. Because with decreasing playing time the stress increases. So don’t be afraid to ask for time on a regular basis. Our game leaders will be happy to keep you up to date. And if you’re stuck in a dead end, our game leaders are on the spot and can put you back on track with little hints.

So: Be courageous, curious and attentive. Use the first minutes. And above all: have fun!

Escape Rooms for the bachelor party

On the way to the safe harbour – a stopover at the Escape Room

Your best friend is already heading unerringly for the port of marriage. The preparations for the Day of Days are in full swing. And part of the planning is, of course, also how the farewell to bachelor or bachelor life should proceed. Because before the safe harbour is reached, life is to be celebrated together with friends once more and freedom is to be celebrated. And what could be better than a start in your JGA with a visit to an Escape Room. Because after you’re initially locked up in a mysterious room, you’ll combine and fiddle your way to freedom together – which you’ll undoubtedly be able to to toast afterwards.

A visit to an escape game with your friends guarantees you action and adventure – even without alcohol – and is the perfect introduction to the day. By puzzling together and searching for clues in the Escape Room, your group will be welded together – because together you are unbeatable.
An Escape Game is suitable for both smaller and larger groups – and is therefore more and more popular when a bachelor party is on the agenda. In theory, a visit to the Escape Room can start with just two players. But the more players there are, the more fun it can be. So why not form two teams and compete in two Escape Rooms in parallel. This increases the motivation and after a successful Escape Game each player is looking forward to a cool beer as a reward.

However, you should really make sure to treat yourself to the beer as a reward after the Escape Game. Because the general Escape Room organizer won’t let you play drunk. And alcohol is not even necessary for an unforgettable experience in the Escape Room. In this case, the job is done by the adrenaline that will shoot you through your body as you solve the various puzzles and tasks.

You should also be careful not to take photos during your stay in the Escape Room. Always keep in mind that there is a lot of work behind the puzzles and tasks and that you could reveal crucial clues with photos. But after the Escape Game you are invited to photograph as much and as freely as you like. You are also welcome to contact your game master and ask for one or two objects or accessories from your Escape Room. He will certainly not refuse your request!