Choosing the Best Escape Room for your Team

When choosing an escape room for you and your Team, there are a few things you need to look out for. We want to give you a quick overview over what to look out for, but keep in mind that with escape rooms a lot is subject to what you like and what your own personal interests are.

So let’s directly begin.


1. Topic


Out first point is in my opinion the most important point. Before booking an escape room, check out the topic of said room. In the end the most important part of a room aren’t the riddles but the overall atmosphere and specifically the topic. If you don’t like prison scenarios, you will not find a prison escape room that you will like even if this room has the most elaborate and fascinating riddles.

So the first thing you should check when booking an escape room, are the different scenarios and especially the ones that interest you most. The good thing is, that most cities have a wide range of different Escape Room providers, and also a wide range of different topics.


2. Amount of players


The second most important thing in my opinion is the amount of players, it doesn’t help you at all looking for escape rooms with a group of ten people to in the end find out that the room you want to play isn’t suitable for that amount of people.

Luckily all escape room providers list the amount of people directly on their website, so make sure to check this out.

Important to note is also that in general most rooms are suited for up to six or seven people. If you are more than that you can usually split up and play two different at the same time.

What you also need to keep in mind is that if there is a room that is suited for more players, lets say around ten, you are probably better off not playing this room with just two participants, as it is very hard to create an escape room that is at the same time suited for two or ten players. (this normally just means that the room is incredibly hard if you are just two players)


3. Location


Important but shouldn’t be your main concern, of course it is great to play an escape room which you can easily reach via car or public transport, but you shouldn’t restrict yourself because of this and maybe miss a great experience.

Its sometime also not the best idea to go for an escape room in the middle of the city, keep in mind that rent in inner cities is way higher than a bit outside, which usually leads to escape rooms in the city being smaller than the ones further outside. If that is a criteria you look out for in escape rooms, you should check locations which are not in the inner city.


4. Difficulty


This point might seem very important to some players, as you might fear that you wont be able to finish the room, or that you won’t like it because it’s too hard, but this is actually not such a big issue. Yes a hard escape room might not be as fun for some groups as an easy one, or the other way around, but every escape room has a game operator on location who will always help you if you are stuck somewhere. Also in the end it is about the fun you have while solving the riddles and not necessarily about “winning” the game.


5. Reviews


Make sure to check out the escape rooms reviews before booking but also don’t let yourself be discouraged by bad reviews. Every Escape Room has bad reviews, just as every other spare time activity or anything else that can be reviewed online. Not everybody likes every game, just make sure that there are more good reviews and that you like the escape rooms theme and you are good to go.

Escape Rooms during Corona times

  1. are there any escape rooms open again?

The short answer is yes.

Most of the escape room providers have opened again since the beginning of June, because at that time people from one household were allowed to play indoor activities together again. By now the restrictions have decreased to such an extent that people from several households are allowed to play together.

There are individual providers who have not yet reopened in order to rebuild or modernise their rooms during this time, but these will certainly also reopen soon.

Note, however, that due to the uncertain situation, it is possible that a new wave of corona infections could well lead to new regulations being issued by the government and various recreational facilities having to close or adapt again. If it is not clear from the operator’s website whether they have already reopened, it is best to contact the operators directly and let them advise you.

  1. what must be considered?

The most important thing is that you only start your game if your state of health is good. The symptoms of a SARS-CoV-2 infection are not the same for everyone and range from coughing and breathing problems to fever or worse. So if you are not feeling well, inform the provider you booked with and cancel your game (most providers have relaxed their cancellation policy).

Also, people who have had contact with infected people in the last 14 days are not allowed to play our games.

Furthermore we ask you to follow the instructions of our game operators, we do our best to organize the games in a way that several groups do not meet in our premises, but this will only work if you support us and pay attention to what we tell you.

Wearing a mouth and nose mask is mandatory in our common area in the rooms itself is optional, more about this in the next section.

  1. what measures are taken?

As already mentioned, we organize our games in such a way that no groups meet in our shop to minimize the risk of infection.

Participants with symptoms are not allowed to participate in our games.

A mouth and nose mask must be worn in the common area.

All playing areas will be disinfected after each game, as well as all contact areas in our common area.

Pay by card if possible (in our Karlsruhe shop card payments are accepted on site, in Stuttgart not, best use the direct online payment when booking the date).

The rooms are ventilated for a few minutes after each game.

  1. why should I go to an Escape Room?

It sounds like there are a lot of requirements that have to be met and that make the whole Escape game much too complicated, but there are only a few things you have to consider as a player, we take care of most things without you having to contribute.

While most people are currently turning to outdoor activities and overcrowding these recreational activities, increasing the risk of infection, you can rest assured with us and other escape room providers that we will make sure that you don’t stand shoulder to shoulder with other participants and that you have a private experience with the people you have chosen for your adventure.

Furthermore, Escape Games are of course always great fun that is always worth it, and can take you a little bit out of the normal everyday life and the worries that come with Corona.

We have a wide range of different games for you to play, whether you want to enter our Fallout Room and save the world from nuclear disaster or prove your magic skills in Magic University, there is something for everyone. If you like it realistically, you can also visit our Bunker 71, where an unknown gas has escaped and needs to be contained by you as a group.


How to Play Games with a VR Headset

In many ways, VR is the future of gaming. The concept has existed for decades and nowadays, VR technology is extremely advanced and provides highly immersive experiences that get closer and closer to the real thing.

  1. Do you need to own a VR headset to play a VR game?

It depends on the game title. Some games are exclusive for certain types of VR heasets like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, others even allow you to use an inexpensive VR headset, like for instance Google Cardboard, which you can use with your smartphone, provided it meets the right requirements.

Of course there is always the option to rent a VR headset, or visit a VR lounge or arcade, where they offer various exciting VR titles.

  1. What types of VR headsets exist?

2.1. Tethered VR headsets

This is currently still the most immersive and high-quality way to experience a VR game. The VR headset is connected to a powerful computer by cables (HDMI or USB) and some space is needed to set up sensors to track the players’ position and movements. The player can use a variety of hand-held controllers to play the game.

There is currently only one console related (tethered) VR-setup, which is Playstation VR. It uses proprietary equipment and the headset has a processor box that allows the user to show the gameplay on an external display, like for instance a TV screen. Some PS VR games can show different perspectives on the display of the headset and the TV screen, creating a multiplayer experience involving someone wearing a VR headset playing against several other players using a normal screen.

An invention by Intel, called WiGig lets players connect their VR headsets and peripherals to a computer via wireless adapters, which means the player can move more freely without constantly having to consider the connecting cables, which improves the overall gaming experience.

2.2. Standalone VR headsets

Standalone headsets do not require an external computer or any other external gear.

All important components, like displays, processors, storage memory, sensors and batteries, are built directly into the headset, meaning that the player can move very freely, not just in their own home but pretty much anywhere they want to.

The downside of this extremely mobile VR-experience is a noticeable decrease in the quality of the game graphics and refresh rates.

Still, the future of VR gaming will certainly be wireless and big tech companies like Facebook and HTC are constantly working on improving their VR-related products.

2.3. Handheld VR headsets

These headsets are usually made from sturdy, foldable cardboard or other inexpensive materials, which makes them an affordable alternative to the other, all rather costly options we have already looked at.
They usually work with a smartphone as screen, which is inserted into a frame in the headset.
The display faces the player’s eyes, with a set of lenses in between to create depth. Most modern smartphones have built in sensors which can be used by VR apps in addition to the phone’s camera to detect motion. Of course the most recent high-end smartphones will provide the best VR experience.
This is an excellent option for those who are curious about VR but do not have the means to try the more high end devices in this category.

  1. How to play games with a VR headset?

First, you need to set up your device. This involves different steps, depending on which headset you are using. If the proprietary software for the headset is not yet installed, you need to do so first before you can manage your device. When the installation process is finished, you can calibrate the sensors of your VR headset.

Once everything is set up, make sure that your headset is adjusted comfortably and you have enough space to move, so you aren’t distracted while playing a game.

Now it is time to check out some games!

Some apps for VR devices offer a selection of VR titles you can play directly from the app. Another way to find good VR titles is the online platform Steam. They offer Steam VR, a virtual reality platform you can install with your VR headset in order to play VR titles.

If you are using a smartphone VR headset, setup is very fast and easy. You just need to insert the smartphone into the device, adjust the lenses and choose a VR title from your app store.

When it comes to VR titles, there is virtually no limit to the imagination. Of course, playing the latest and greatest VR Games, like Half Life Alyx, is an exciting experience, but there is a lot more to explore. Various simulation programs will finally give you a chance to explore places you have never been to, try physically impossible things like flying or diving without equipment or even ride a rollercoaster while sitting comfortably in your own home.


VR-Gaming has become part of mainstream entertainment and more and more people are interested in playing VR games. While VR headsets are still on the expensive side and rather complicated to set up, the creation and development of more and more immersive and fascinating game titles and the constant improvement of hardware components means that VR gaming is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to conventional gaming. Nowadays and in the future, VR lounges will provide an excellent opportunity to try the VR experience using the latest technology, game titles and providing the perfect space to have an immersive adventure without having to commit to buying an entire VR setup for yourself.

Gimmicks like foldable headsets for smartphone use are another fun way to get a taste of VR, but the future most certainly lies in wireless VR gaming with slim and light hardware components.

Escape Rooms for children

  1. Are Escape Rooms suitable for childern?

Children are very energetic and curious and they love to play games. They are also very creative and eager to learn and they thrive on positive reinforcement.

All these characteristics are very useful when it comes to solving puzzles and riddles, meaning that Escape Rooms are in fact excellent for children, provided they are designed in the appropriate way.

Whether it’s just a fun family outing, a birthday party or any other kind of celebration, Escape Rooms provide an excellent alternative to the usual options (cinema, bowling, etc) and will not just be a fun and memorable experience but also a challenge and a playful way for children to test their abilities.

Which Escape Room is the most suitable for these occasions depends on the age of the children who are taking part in the game and whether adults will be playing as well, or just supervising.

Teenagers are certainly capable of playing alongside adults in an Escape Room that is a bit more challenging, as they have already gained a deeper understanding of the game dynamics and can solve more advanced puzzles. Younger children will likely get bored very quickly if they don’t understand the game or any of the challenges, so it makes more sense for them to play an Escape Room specifically designed for children.

An adult should always be present to make sure the children stay focussed, prevent or mediate possible arguments and to make sure they behave appropriately.

Keeping all this in mind, children can be excellent companions for playing Escape Rooms, because they think and behave so differently from adults. They are great at recognizing patterns, finding hidden objects and solving number and word puzzles and they have a very creative and open mind.

  1. Some Tips for playing Escape Rooms with children


2.1. Do some research

It’s important to do some research before you book the Escape Room, to ensure everyone has a good time and in order to prepare yourself and your team for the game.

Make sure the theme of the Escape Room is age-appropriate. Many Escape Rooms have rather dark and suspenseful themes which can be frightening for children of a certain age. Another thing to consider is the difficulty of the Escape Room. Find something that won’t have too many abstract riddles or a complicated storyline, so that the children don’t lose focus or get bored with the game.

Finally, choose a theme that is fun for everyone taking part in the game, to make sure it  will be a great and memorable experience.

You can achieve all this by either searching online and checking out our website at or by calling us directly and asking for advice.

2.2. Preparation

It’s important to make sure that the children in your group understand what an Escape Room is. Explain to them how an Escape Room works, tell them what’s important to get through the game and answer any questions they might have about it. Sometimes children are a bit scared of trying something new, so you have to reassure them that there is nothing to be frightened about and make them feel safe during the game. If your child needs some convincing to take part in such a game, a great incentive could also be to invite some friends or other family members to go along.
Another way to prepare for the game is to practice solving some puzzles and riddles that are similar to those in an Escape Room.

In addition to this, there will be a guide at the Escape Room location who will explain how everything works and talk about rules and safety measures before the game starts. This person will also be supervising the game, giving useful hints when they are needed and answering any questions that might arise.

2.3. Keep the children focussed on the game

Children are easily distracted, especially in a new and exciting environment like an Escape Room. In addition to the preparation that is recommended before booking an Escape Room, it is important to have at least one adult present during the game to supervise the children and make sure they stay focussed on solving the puzzles and riddles.

2.4. Make sure the children can handle the game

During the game, especially if it’s not specifically designed for children, make sure each child is working on a puzzle or riddle that they can actually solve. The point of an Escape Room is to have fun and build confidence, after all. If you see them struggling, don’t just solve the game for them, but try to help them find a solution, so they still feel like they accomplished something. This can also work the other way around. If you are struggling with a task, ask the child or children to help you with it. It’s all about team work!

  1. Conclusions

Escape Rooms are an excellent game for children, provided you choose the right theme and level of difficulty, prepare them for what is coming and make sure they are safe and supported during the game.

Taking your children with you to an Escape Room will certainly liven up the game and give you an opportunity to get in touch with your inner child as well, which is more important than ever in these trying times!

Lastly, the most important thing to remember is that Escape Rooms are all about having fun, which, let’s face it, children are so much better at than adults. So let the children lead the way!




How to prepare for an Escape Room?

Preparation to Escape Room - PlanBEveryday life may offer some opportunities to prepare yourself for an escape room. Learning how to solve puzzles in your free time can be great for preparing your brain and training your problem-solving skills. If you have a job where you have to work in teams, or you play a team sport, you might already have the important communicative skills it takes to work together efficiently. All this is great and will help you during the game, but it certainly won’t cover all bases.

Therefore, another great way to prepare yourself for this sort of game is to inform yourself about how it works, for instance by reading this blog!

Things to consider before visiting an escape room:

  • getting a good start is important if you want to finish the game successfully before time runs out;
  • working as a team is the most important thing when it comes to playing an escape room. Don’t think about it as a competition for first place;
  • there is no one winner, you either all win or you all fail. Of course, a little competition between teammates to see who can solve a riddle faster is fine and can actually help speed up the game;
  • however, you should not be hiding any clues or keep any important info from your teammates in order to get ahead of them. This will be harmful to the entire team and could slow down the game unnecessarily or even lead to losing the game;
  • winning is still the goal of this game, as is with most games, but everybody is on the same side.

At the escape room

It’s getting serious. You have gathered together and you are ready to give it your best.
Depending on whether you are going to be paired up with another group or not, you might want to get to know your teammates a little bit before you start playing. Knowing people’s names will be very helpful, especially if the escape room is dark and has many corners, or perhaps even more than one room. As it is with all team efforts, communication is the way to success.

Selecting a leader

Escape Room Leader - PlanBWhile this may not work for all teams, it can be advisable to select a leader. If, for instance, you have somebody in your team who has already built up a lot of experience playing escape rooms, they might be your best choice because they will have developed a sort of instinct for finding hints and solving puzzles. If all of you have the same amount of experience, may that be a lot or none at all, perhaps you could choose a person that has good motivational and organizational skills, who can divide the group according to the different tasks and challenges that need to be worked through inside the escape room and who can give directions which everyone can follow.
If somebody is a natural leader and takes the initiative, the rest of the group can follow them, provided they all agree and the person in charge is a worthy candidate.

Skills and strengths

Once you are inside the escape room and the countdown is running, the brain switches into performance mode, and under the pressure, it can be difficult to keep in mind this simple concept – Know Your Strengths.

Every member of the team has their own strength, whether it’s logical thinking, a knack for puzzle solving, or out-of-the-box thinking to find those impossibly hidden clues.
Find out what your strengths and those of our teammates are and put them to good use.
If there is a leader, they must decide how to divide up the team and which tasks should be tackled by which members.

Opening your mind to unconventional ideas and possibilities is essential if you want to be able to find solutions for the more complicated or confusing riddles you will come across during the game. Sometimes you need to think outside the box, so however crazy your idea might seem, try it! You might be surprised at the results.

Another important skill is logical thinking. Whatever objects you may find, consider their usefulness for the game and think about how you can combine them with other things, or which other items you might need to find in order to use them properly. A classical example of this is lock and key. You find an ornate, old looking key, you want to start looking for a similar lock.

Apart from these important attributes, some historical knowledge, some basic maths, a healthy amount of general knowledge and of course, some good old common sense will always be helpful for these types of games.

Find a partner

Find a partner - PlanBAnother thing that will give you an advantage is to find a partner. Sharing your ideas with the entire group can often be difficult, as everyone will be talking over each other and whatever you say might get lost in the noise. If you are working with a partner, you can exchange ideas and information on a more intimate level and work towards solving a problem together. Even if one of you is doing most of the work, it can still be helpful to have somebody to share ideas with or to simply motivate you during the game.

Of course, you still have to share important discoveries or ideas with the group, so the team leader should make sure to call everyone together at certain points during the game to report on the progress they are making and to help each other out.

Sometimes the entire team has to work together in order to solve a puzzle.

Getting scared

If the escape room you chose to play has a horror theme, you might find out you are not as brave as you thought you were. The most important thing is this case is to stay calm. Find a partner who can stay by your side and make you feel safer and remember that it is just a game and nothing bad can actually happen to you. As far as preparation goes, you can, of course, try to build up some resistance by watching horror movies or tv shows. Visiting a ‘Haunted House’ at an amusement park could also be helpful, but you might not always have the opportunity.
Of course, there are many different themes for escape room games so if it’s all too much for you, you could try to convince your teammates to pick a different option. There will always be some excellent alternatives that will be fun for everyone.


Being prepared before playing an escape room is a great way of making sure that you have a fun experience, but even if it’s a spontaneous visit and you are an absolute beginner, the most important thing is to remain calm and to trust in your abilities. Work well with your teammates and don’t be afraid to contribute your own ideas and you will have a great adventure.

New unique format at Plan B – interactive escape rooms

  1. Plan B presents a new escape room format – interactive games.

Plan B now offers a new Escape Room experience: Live Escape Rooms!

But what exactly are these Live Escape Rooms and how do they work?

What Live Escape Rooms are is quickly explained. The rooms themselves do not differ from normal Escape Games, but the players are not directly in the room, but can complete all puzzles from the comfort of their own homes. One of our game masters is on site in our room and streams everything he sees live via video transmission. The players can now give commands to our game master and tell him where to go and what to do. In this way the players can find and solve all the puzzles together with our game master.

The whole game is started by simply clicking on a link that the players receive from us. Afterwards they are directly in our livestream. Here they have in addition to the live game an inventory in which some useful items and written things in good quality can be found.

  1. Description of all our games that are available.

At the moment there are three different games available: Fallout, the Dungeon and Project:Impossible.


In our Fallout Room you will find yourself in an old nuclear fallout shelter which is about to be completely shut down. It is your task to reboot the necessary systems to prevent this shutdown and to ensure your survival.

The dungeon:

In the dungeon you will find yourself on the trail of an ex-prisoner. After your archaeological team accidentally locked themselves in the dungeon, you will find various clues left by the prisoner to help you figure out how he managed to escape.


The most classic of our scenarios. You are a group of gangsters who have made it their mission to rob one of the best secured banks in the world. You only have 60 minutes before security changes shifts and you get caught.

  1. Summary

If you want to play one of our rooms but are unable to play it on location, this is the perfect opportunity for you to play one of our exciting rooms.

It is also a convenient way to play an Escape Room together if you and your friends are spread all over Germany.

How to create a digital escape room

What is an interactive Escape Room?

There are different types of online Escape Rooms, all of which have different features, advantages, and disadvantages. The most widespread online escape rooms so far are so-called point and click adventures in various forms. From small online browser games, in which you puzzle your way through a few rooms in a typical escape room style, to classics like Monkey Island or Day of the Tentacle, which are full-blown adventure games in which you walk through different environments and interact with NPC characters to continue the story, there are no limits.

Apart from these online Escape Room variations by now, there are also Virtual Reality Escape Rooms, which are much closer to normal Escape Rooms than other variations.

Last but not least, there are also so-called interactive Escape Rooms or live Escape Rooms, which consist of an employee of an Escape Room provider standing in one of the rooms with a camera and being connected to the customers via live video feed. The customers can now give orders to the employee to solve all the puzzles with his help.

What is the difference between a normal and an online escape room?

The obvious biggest difference is of course that the players are not directly in the room and cannot react with the objects and tasks in the room themselves. As a result, many players prefer “real” Escape Rooms and find them far more interactive. But that’s not all, while the classic point and clicks come up with a good story and different characters, free online browser games often have a negligible story and a mere string of puzzles.

The VR Escape Rooms are already taking a better step in this direction, as the direct proximity of the virtual space makes it possible to make the game intuitively more interactive and realistic.

Of course, the closest match is a Live Escape Room, because finally a real Escape Room is streamed live. This directly combines the comfort of an online escape game with the usual high level of story and puzzles of a normal escape game.

Another fundamental difference between many online escape rooms and real rooms is that many online games can only be played alone and not as a team, which makes many positive effects that an escape game usually has on a group sufficient.

What are the difficulties of an online escape room?

As mentioned before, a big negative point of online Escape Rooms is that they are often only playable in single-player mode, which many players dislike. But even here live Escape Rooms are a remedy because they can be played with up to eight players at the same time.

But often it is a little bit problematic to transfer the atmosphere of a room via the camera in a way that the player also gets something out of it. Many Escape Rooms are generally too dark, in order to come across properly in the live stream, or are equipped with further light sources, in order to be brighter, which takes some atmosphere away with a dark topic like a nuclear shelter. For this reason, it is very important that the game master takes an active part and leads the player along with the story without interfering too much with the puzzles.


In summary, there are big differences between the different online variants, but when you realize what you enjoy most and what exactly you want to experience, the decision is much easier.
So someone who puts a lot of emphasis on a polished story and different plots, but would rather play alone, should stay in the point and click genre. Someone who mainly wants to solve different puzzles is well off with browser games and someone who wants to have an experience like in a real Escape Room with friends, without traveling far or playing directly from home, should have a look at a live Escape Room.

What are the Skills for Ideal Team Player?

1. Why is it so important to be a great team player?

Being a great team player is a universally desirable skill. Whether in a sports team, at work or even in a private group, be it friends or family, a great team player always improves the group dynamic.

The ability to work with other people in order to achieve a common goal has always been very important. It increases productivity, goals can be achieved much faster and it’s a healthier approach to life in a society where people can become isolated very easily.

But what are the skills required to become a successful team player?

2.0. The most important team player skills

2.1. Humility:

Remaining humble while sharing your ideas with the people you’re working with isn’t always easy, but it’s a very important skill. It means you have to be able to take constructive criticism about your work, but to also praise the work of others, if so deserved.

2.2. Confidence:

Likewise, you should not shy away from speaking your mind and criticising others when it is appropriate to do so. Have confidence in your ideas and share them with the team, accept praise but don’t brag about it.

2.3. Drive:

Perseverance is very important, if you want to get the job done in time and as efficiently as possible. Dedication to the task, project or goal you are trying to accomplish is absolutely essential.

2.4. Adaptability:

More often than not, things don’t go completely according to plan. Being flexible and adapting quickly to the changes that might occur will ensure that the goal is still reached in time and the quality of the work doesn’t suffer.

2.5. Reliability:

Every single team player has to make sure they pull their weight. This means performing consistently, being able to manage time in order to meet deadlines and never letting the other team members down.

2.6. Positivity:

A positive attitude will not only help you keep things friendly, it will also help you avoid unnecessary stress caused by arguments, or unexpected setbacks.

3. How can team player skills help you win an escape game?

An escape game can be viewed as a playful way to test the aforementioned skills and to further improve them. While there is obviously less pressure than there would be in a performance oriented environment, those skills will still come in very handy.

As you enter the room with your team and start searching for riddles and clues, confidently sharing information and ideas for possible solutions with the other players is important to advance the game. Working towards a common goal can be a challenge, because everyone has an individual approach. The ability to figure out a solution that works for everyone and that respects and includes everyone’s contributions is what defines a great team.

We all know there is no ‘I’ in ‘team’, but there is also no ‘I’ in ‘escape room’, which means that you have to make sure you don’t go off on your own and leave the others behind. Come together once in a while and share the information you gathered, so that everyone knows what’s up.

Getting stuck on a riddle during the game is bound to happen, and here is where your perseverance and dedication will come in very handy. Confer with your team and soon you will find a solution!

Escape Rooms come in a wide variety of themes and sometimes you don’t know what to expect to find when you first enter. Being adaptable and flexible will help you find your way in any scenario.

Don’t forget that your team is counting on you, so do your best and support the others in order to win the game.

This casual ‘team sport’ is a fun and exciting way to test and improve your team skills and it provides an excellent opportunity to get to know each other on a more personal level. It will give each team member the chance to show their personal qualities and abilities and help to build confidence, overcome insecurities and bring the team closer together.

What to wear to an escape room?

First of all – dress casual. You are not going to a gala, you are going to have an adventure!
If you are coming from or going to a special event that requires more fancy clothing, at least make sure you have comfortable shoes and clothes that can take a little action and perhaps pick an escape room that is a little more easygoing.

Comfortable shoes

Comfortable Shoes - PlanBSince you will likely be on your feet for most of the game, picking the right footwear is crucial to ensure a pleasant experience. Wear closed-toe shoes, preferably sneakers or trainers. Hiking shoes or comfortable boots are fine as well.
Avoid high heels, any kind of open-toed shoe and stay away from flip-flops! You will likely be in a group of people and you don’t want anybody to step on your toes.

Flexible pants

While escape rooms are generally designed to accommodate most people, regardless of fitness level or flexibility, there will be some small challenges and obstacles you might have to face during the game. Whether it is crawling through a narrow space or climbing up steps or over a barrier, you will be thankful for having chosen the right pants for the game.
Choose a pair of comfortable pants or shorts. Jeans, sweatpants or athletic shorts are your best bet. Nothing too tight or you won’t be able to face all the obstacles in the game, but too baggy either, or it might get in your way.

Breathable shirts

Breathable Shirts - PlanBWhile most escape rooms have air conditioning, you can’t always rely on that to be enough. Make sure your shirt or sweater is light and loose-fitting and made of a breathable and flexible fabric.

Avoid dressing too heavily, as you might get quite warm during the game, depending on how many players are in your group and how much action is involved.

If you want to wear a dress, make sure it’s not too short and that it has some flexibility.


Avoid wearing too many accessories, especially things that might get damaged, drop off, or get in the way. Expensive watches, jangly necklaces, and big earrings are not recommendable.

If you have long hair, tie it up in a ponytail or a bun so it doesn’t distract you or get caught on anything.


Sometimes, people come to an escape room to celebrate a special occasion, or perhaps they just want to make it a fun and memorable experience. Whether it’s a hen or stag party, a birthday, a graduation party or just some crazy dudes, matching shirts or even full-fledged costumes are a fun way to celebrate. Just make sure they fit the dress code and you are good to go!


Always be prepared! Choosing the right clothes before visiting an escape room is essential if you want to have a good time. Feeling comfortable and unrestricted during the game will allow you to focus on what’s important: jumping into the adventure and completing the mission!

How to set up an Escape Room?

Step 1: How much space is needed?

Escape Room - PlanBBefore you begin to set up the escape room, you need to know its dimensions. You need to know exactly what kind of setting your escape room will have before you start building anything.

The room needs to be large enough to fit in all props and still provide enough space for players to move around freely, depending as well on the size of the group. Sometimes it is advisable to use more than one room to prolong the game and raise the difficulty level, as well as adding excitement to the game.

Step 2: Setting

To create an exciting and memorable experience for your customers, picking a historically and/or geographically interesting setting is key. Apart from that, you can work with interesting props, colors, lighting techniques, or other special effects to enhance the experience.

Step 3: Theme

There are virtually no limitations when it comes to picking a theme for your escape room.
Of course, popular themes like horror, mystery, and adventure are the most attractive, but there is always room for creativity and individuality, and it’s important to put some personal elements into the creative process as well, to make your establishment stand out from the masses. Of course, a classical escape theme is always nice, but adding a little twist here and there will make sure your customers don’t get bored.

Step 4: Finding premises

Before you can begin to set up your escape room, you are going to need suitable accommodation. Make sure you know exactly how much space you need for the escape rooms themselves, keeping in mind that you need additional space for washroom facilities, storage, and a reception area for the visitors.

Possibly, you should also have a separate room for the gamemasters to monitor and run the games.
Another important factor is of course location. Pick an area where you can be sure your visitors will be able to find you without any difficulties, preferably not too far from public transportation. Another thing to consider is whether you want to provide parking for your customers. This is going to require a higher budget but will prevent unnecessary delays, as customers do not need to search for a parking space in the area.

Step 5: Duration of the game

Generally speaking, one hour is the ideal time for an escape game. It allows for simpler guidelines and facilitates organization. Other variations can be suitable for certain escape rooms, but this is by far the most popular format.
Naturally, the entire game has to be designed in a way that is is possible for the players to finish it within the set time limit. This needs to be tested thoroughly before you can create the exact storyline of the game. The number of riddles that need to be solved in the set time limit has to be determined, as well as the number of clues that help facilitate the solving process. Once all of these factors have been coordinated, you can start writing the story.

Step 6: The story

Escape Room 2- PlanBWhen the players enter the room, they receive a short introduction, which tells them what the story behind the escape room is. This is important not only to clarify the mission but also to set the right mood and atmosphere for the game in order to ensure an immersive experience.

While the base of the story should always be consistent, each gamemaster should be allowed to tell it in their own words, in order to allow for a more natural delivery.

The story can determine how players move through the game, in which order they approach the riddles and how their thought process evolves during the game.

For instance, if your objective is to escape from a prison cell, you immediately start thinking about finding keys and other means of escape. No matter which theme, the story needs to be logical, so that the players have no difficulties. All props, riddles, and clues have to relate to the story.

Once the players start the game, the story needs to work on its own. Gamemasters can occasionally intervene by giving hints or suggestions, but ultimately, the players are left to their one devices and it should be possible for them to finish all the riddles by themselves.

This means that the story has to be easy to follow. Writing the story down step by step is important, not just to support the gamemasters but also to make sure you maintain an overview and it doesn’t get too complicated.

Step 7: The storyline

A story, no matter how long or short, requires structure. There are helpful devices that can support you during this process. For instance, creating a flowchart to illustrate the detailed process of the game will help giving a logical order to your storyline. Line up what exactly the players need to do to finish their mission.

  1. Which puzzle needs to be solved to achieve which goal in the game?
  2. How many parts or stations will the game have?
  3. How many puzzles for each part of the game?
  4. In which order do the puzzles need to be solved?

Mapping out the entire process of the game will help determine how exactly the game needs to be structured to meet all requirements and to come to a logical conclusion.

To give the game even more direction, you can separate the riddles into different challenges.
Depending on the size of the room, the duration of the game, and the number of players, there can be several challenges that will need to be mastered before the ultimate mission can be fulfilled.

For instance, if the theme of the game is a zombie apocalypse, the challenges could be to find ‘patient zero’ (the first person to be infected), determine what the cure for the virus is, and find the place where it is hidden. That way, the players have a series of small victories within the game, which will keep them motivated and even more focussed on the goal.

The puzzles and riddles can then be created to fit these challenges so that the players know in which order to solve them. For additional support, different challenges could have differently colored riddles and hints.


Bevor an escape room can be built, several important factors need to be considered.
A lot of planning and preparation is required and creativity and logical thinking are essential to ensure a perfect experience.